The Star I Want The Most

Each time I look at the dim sky, there is this star that captivates my eyes – among all the other stars, it shines the brightest. In a night filled with darkness where I cannot see anything, it glows so perfectly that I’m able to see it. This star radiates an overflowing amount of light enough to guide me to walk through the darkness – there’s never a dark night since I have seen it shining in the sky. For that, I have always loved that star, my favorite star. I want to reach it, go closer to it; I want to witness its magnificent illumination in quite a nearer view. However, as I go closer to it, it just shines very bright, so bright, too damn bright that it hurts my eyes and I cannot open them. Because of that, I have to go farther from it and just watch it from a distance from now on. 
Too bad that it’s blindingly beautiful; too bad that I can no longer look at this star the way I used to look at it before; too bad it is the star I want the most.

If You Could Only

If you could only see how I love staring at you when you’re busy looking at something else – 

If you could only hear how loud my heart beats each time you come closer to me – 

If you could only read the words running through mind and sealed in my lips – 

If you could only have an idea how hard I’ve tried to look away yet I could not take my eyes off you – 

If you could only know that in all these places and faces, you are all I see –

If you could only feel for me what I feel for you –